Why Does a Chiropractic Adjustment Schedule Take Place Over Months, Not Days?
Treatment and recovery from illness happen relatively quickly at the hands of modern medicine. You can go from violently ill to good-as-new in the span of just a few days with a visit to the doctor and the proper medication. A good diagnosis goes a long way.
On the other end of the spectrum, we often see recovery of broken bones or rehabilitation after surgery as a lengthy process. It’s not uncommon to spend weeks and months limited in your abilities or slowly rehabbing to get back to normal. It’s a process that’s often arduous and expected.
So where does chiropractic fall on the spectrum? It’s less invasive than surgery, but not as immediate as medication, which puts it somewhere in between. Chiropractic recovery timelines can vary dramatically based on the nature of the condition and the patient suffering from it.
On average, a Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) adjustment plan is mapped out over weeks and months. For someone with mild sciatica, this may seem like an inflated timeline; however, for someone with severe lordosis, it may not seem like enough time to fully correct the condition. It begs the question: what goes into a CBP adjustment schedule and why do Ideal Spine chiropractors execute these plans over weeks and months, instead of days?
Avoiding adjustment shock
The first and foremost reason for a prolonged adjustment period is to avoid “adjustment shock.” Simply put, this occurs when you try to do too much, too fast. Think of it like signing up for a marathon before you’ve even run a 5k. Attempting a massive undertaking without preparing the body means setting yourself up for agony and injury.
Trying to correct severe lordosis, for example, means retailoring the spine’s curvature through ongoing adjustments. Trying to push everything back into place over a period of a few days will be extremely uncomfortable for a patient, not to mention impossible due to the lack of support needed to ensure the changes take hold.
Adjustment shock usually takes the form of soreness and tenderness. You might feel sore when sitting or standing, or have difficulty going through your normal range of motion. It’s a sign you’ve done too much, and something your chiropractor will always strive to avoid.
Setting a foundation for change
As mentioned, chiropractic adjustments need time to take hold. Your back problems can’t be solved overnight, which means many of the catalysts that have caused misalignment will exist for a period during the adjustment process. These stressors will entice your spine into moving back into the position it’s being repositioned from.
A CBP schedule ensures a series of adjustments are made over routine intervals, with strengthening and postural changes being made in the interim. In a practical sense, this enables adjustments to take hold while the body develops the necessary support system to prevent re-shifting. Over time, adjustments will compound in the move towards realignment, restoring positive curvature to the spine that can be maintained for wellness moving forward.
Verifiable benefits
Finally, the step-by-step nature of a CBP adjustment schedule enables chiropractors to check in on the status of an adjustment plan. If radiological films show setbacks in the process or changes are taking hold as they should be, the schedule can be adapted more easily than if they were more contingent upon time.
Patients may not outright understand the reason for 12 or more visits to correct a spinal condition – especially if they feel better after just a few. Chiropractors must help patients understand the benefits that come with seeing the entire adjustment schedule through, and why that schedule occurs over weeks and months, instead of days.
Chiropractic BioPhysics® corrective care trained Chiropractors are located throughout the United States and in several international locations. CBP providers have helped thousands of people throughout the world realign their spine back to health, and eliminate a source of chronic back pain, chronic neck pain, chronic headaches and migraines, fibromyalgia, and a wide range of other health conditions. If you are serious about your health and the health of your loved ones, contact a CBP trained provider today to see if you qualify for care. The exam and consultation are often FREE. See for providers in your area.
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Meridian, ID 83642
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