Pain, Chiropractic Care, and The Neuromusculoskeletal System
Every day, many people suffer from chronic pain. Prescribing pain pills to patients with persistent discomfort or pain is quite typical. The use of drugs to hide symptoms rather than address the underlying cause of the problem is known as masking symptoms and does nothing to cure it. There are a variety of factors that can lead to chronic pain, and no one wants to live with it. According to doctors, chronic pain is defined as any discomforting sensation that has lasted for six months or more. It might come and go intermittently, or be a consistent ache. Chronic pain can affect any area of the body and have many causes. Oftentimes when medical professionals cannot identify or diagnose the source of the pain, they will instead treat symptoms generically.
If you’ve found yourself asking “can chiropractic care help with chronic pain?” read on to discover exactly how chiropractic care may be able to change your life.
What is responsible for chronic pain?
Do you have chronic back pain, neck pain, shoulder discomfort, or suffering in other areas of your body? Do you experience ongoing digestive difficulties, such as acid reflux, constipation, flatulence, or indigestion? Do you get frequent headaches or migraines? If you’re enduring persistent pain or a problem that won’t go away and can’t be diagnosed, you could be one of the millions of Americans who have been abandoned without answers for their daily agony.
Chronic pain has many potential causes, but is often the result of imbalances within the body. These can be due to a number of things including congenital defects, injuries, accidents, stress or lifestyle choices.
If you feel as though your condition does not have a clear origin, or if you’ve been prescribed medication without any other explanation, it might be time to explore different treatment options.
How does chiropractic treat chronic pain?
Various chronic pain-inducing conditions are often shrugged off as normal, untreatable or permanent. If this sounds familiar, it might be due to imbalances in your neuromusculoskeletal system. The neuromusculoskeletal system is often imbalanced because it consists of three independent systems that are rarely, if ever, treated together.
Chiropractic care takes a comprehensive and whole-body approach to treating the neuromusculoskeletal system. This includes the nervous system, muscles, and bones – which all work together to make up the neuromusculoskeletal system. What makes chiropractic care unique is that it treats all aspects of the system simultaneously; unlike other therapies that only focus on one element at a time (such as massage therapy). Consequently, patients often experience quicker relief and changes in their bodies with chiropractic compared to other forms of treatment.
How Chiropractic Works on the Body
How can chiropractic treatment help you feel better when your symptoms don’t appear to be connected to your joints or bones? To begin with, chiropractic therapy doesn’t just focus on bones and joints. As previously said, chiropractic treatment focuses on a number of body systems at once, starting with the nervous system and ending with the muscular system.
Plenty of people underestimate how useful chiropractic care can be for the body. To understand its power, you need to know a little bit about how it affects the three following systems in your body:
Your Bones & Joints
The skeletal system is, in most cases, the first that comes to mind when you think about chiropractic treatment. When individuals hear of chiropractic adjustments and therapies, they frequently picture skilled chiropractors moving bones and joints. The notion that chiropractic therapy is expensive back-cracking is attributable to the popular misconception that it involves cracking bones.
Fortunately, chiropractic is much more than a bunch of back cracking. Although moving and realigning the bones and joints is an important aspect of chiropractic treatment, it is not the only thing that chiropractors do. Chiropractors spend time researching your unique anatomy in order to make sure that when they move and adjust your skeletal structure, it’s in the correct direction for your body. X-rays and digital scans are used to assess spine and joint alignment, followed by precise applications.
The skeleton is the body’s structural support system. It also has a significant impact on every other system’s function, particularly the nervous system. Prolonged or repeated stress to a bone can cause severe discomfort, misfire other systems, and even immobilize the body. The skeletal structure protects internal organs while allowing them to move efficiently and freely. Without it, the body would be unable to function at all.
Your Muscles
Most people are unaware that chiropractic treatment is a powerful therapeutic for the muscular system. This may be due to the prominence given to bones and joints when chiropractic therapy is discussed and demonstrated on social media. Chiropractic therapy can really benefit the muscular system, but it must be administered correctly in order to provide significant benefits and muscle improvements.
By releasing tense muscles, improving circulation of oxygen and nutrients, and increasing flexibility, chiropractic care can help support the health of your muscular system. If this system is strained, you may experience mobility issues along with tension, pain and discomfort. Various positions and postures may also be uncomfortable.
If the muscular system is out of whack, a professional chiropractor can use hand techniques and various equipment to physically treat the muscle. A standard chiropractic adjustment may be very beneficial in certain situations since muscles might over-compensate as a result of misaligned joints.
Your Central Nervous System
The nervous system is one of the body’s most essential systems. Although each bodily system is critical, the nervous system manages numerous chemical and electrical processes that aid other body systems operate effectively. This is why, when the brain’s equilibrium is disrupted, nothing in the body functions correctly.
An imbalanced nervous system can cause a variety of problems, including pain, sleep disorders, brain fog, exhaustion, lethargy, headaches, migraines, numbness and tingling. To effectively treat nervous system disorders sometimes requires more than just treating symptoms. That’s why people often turn to pain medication or over-the-counter remedies for digestive issues instead of attempting to alter brain chemistry with medication.
An expert chiropractor can help to rebalance the nervous system by stimulating balance in the joints and bones of the body. This is done through a series of techniques and tools, such as chiropractic adjustments and decompression therapy. When these are used properly, it allows for realignment in the joints and bones which then leads to proper function of the nervous system.
The nervous system needs a smooth flow of nerve energy to run properly. This is similar to blood flow, but it goes through the nerves instead of veins. If something interrupts the flow or damages the nerves, chemical and electrical messages can’t travel throughout the body. This causes problems with everything from brain function to digestion.
BONUS: Digestion & the Nervous System
Did you know that the digestive system has its own nervous system? It’s known as the enteric nervous system, and it runs the length of the entire digestive tract! When nerve flow to the enteric nervous system is interrupted, this can lead to disturbances in the whole digestive process, including chronic nausea, indigestion, acid reflux (GERD), constipation, Crohn’s disease, and more.
Chiropractic care can help chronic pain. This is done by realigning the spine which can help to improve nerve function.
If you suffer from chronic pain, it’s worth investigating how the neuromusculoskeletal system might be intensifying or causing your discomfort. Chiropractic care is a treatment created to directly target the neuromusculoskeletal system. When this system is unbalanced, chiropractic care can often relieve pain and other issues.
Chiropractic care is intended to support and nourish tight or damaged muscles, increase nerve energy flow, and properly align the joints through chiropractic treatments such as adjustments, spinal traction, and manual manipulation. Chiropractic therapy is a three-pronged approach that frequently results in significant improvements for patients suffering from persistent pain and disorders.
Are you in chronic pain? Chiropractic BioPhysics® may be the solution you’ve been looking for.
Imbalances and dysfunction in the neuromusculoskeletal system are frequently underdiagnosed by traditional medical practice. If you’re suffering from pain and discomfort but haven’t been able to find relief, it’s time to look for an alternative.
Chiropractic Biophysics® is a form of chiropractic care that uses mirror-image® adjustments and spinal traction to deliver long-term results in the shape of the spine. Chiropractic BioPhysics® is intended to help relieve you of your pain and discomfort by treating your discomfort at the source. To find a chiropractor who is certified in Chiropractic BioPhysics® near you, use our directory. Get started today to free yourself from pain and get back to living the vital life that you deserve!
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