
How to Resolve Back Pain with Chiropractic Care

How to Resolve Back Pain with Chiropractic Care

What is back pain?

Over 65 million Americans report instances of back pain each year—and that’s just the reported number. Most people can recall an instance in which they experienced back pain, either chronic (persisting for over 6 months) or acute (occurring immediately after a precipitating event).

Back pain often feels like a stabbing pain, sharp pain, aching pain, dull pain, temperature-like (hot or cold feeling) pain, or a shooting pain. People may experience back pain when they sit or stand, bend, squat, or carry weight. Many individuals find ways to “hack” their back pain. This can be done through the use of medication (prescription or over-the-counter), by avoiding certain movements or activities, bringing portable seating to events (or standing when they’ve been sitting too long), and more.

Unfortunately, “hacking” back pain isn’t a way of treating it long-term. Avoiding certain movements and activities can become a significant obstacle that impedes quality of life. Overuse of prescription or over-the-counter medications can backfire, as the body can quickly build a tolerance and require that more or less pain medication be used for a period of time to achieve the early effects.

The best approach with back pain is to address the pain at its origin, and treat it appropriately. Particularly in the case of injuries, untreated back-pain can lead to further health complications down the road.

Where does back pain occur?

Back pain occurs in three main areas of the back: the upper back, the lower back, and the middle back.

Lower Back Pain

The most common form of back pain, lower back pain can occur for a variety of reasons.

One of the most common causes of low back pain is misalignment or scoliosis.

Scoliosis occurs when there is an unnatural s-shaped curvature in the spine that disturbs the balance of the skeletal structure. Scoliosis affects 1-2% of the population, and often begins in early childhood as a result of birth trauma or congenital factors. Chiropractic BioPhysics® is a highly effective method of treatment for helping alleviate pain and curvature resulting from scoliosis.

Misalignment in the spine also contributes to lower back pain for the same reasons as scoliosis, although it is often less mild—when the spinal structure moves out of correct alignment, it begins to place pressure on the nerves and tissues in the surrounding area.

Middle Back Pain

Middle back pain can be a result of scoliosis and misalignment, but it is commonly the result of overuse, muscle strain, and poor posture.

Poor posture can contribute to middle back pain by placing strain on all the muscles, tissues, and nerves in the affected area. Slumped shoulders, hunched back, and forward head posture can all create tension in the middle back, which can feel like an unrelenting ache or dull pressure that doesn’t abate.

Upper Back Pain

Upper back pain is one of the most rare forms of back pain, but it still occurs, usually as a result of injury or imbalances in the neck that are being compensated for by the shoulders.

When the body is injured, if complete time is not allowed for rehabilitation and recovery, this can cause chronic pain that lasts indefinitely until treated. It’s important that all injuries be given sufficient recovery time and treatment. Injuries that can contribute to upper back pain are lifting items that are too heavy, over-exercising, impact trauma (from auto accidents), and poor mechanical form during physical activity.

What causes back pain?

Back pain is most commonly the product of an imbalance in the neuromusculoskeletal system. The interaction between the nervous system, muscular system, and skeletal system is where pain arises from muscle-related injuries, skeletal-related imbalance, and nerve-related inflammation.

When an injury occurs in the back, which includes the micro- muscle tears caused by poor posture, the area becomes inflamed. This is a natural immune response, but unfortunately it can become chronic when the body is not allowed time to heal and given correct treatment.

What begins as an acute injury often turns into chronic pain because it was not given sufficient time to recover.

Other reasons for back pain include arthritis and degeneration, slipped discs, osteoporosis, sciatica (which is exacerbated by spinal misalignment), and spinal stenosis.

What is chiropractic care?

Chiropractic care is a form of treatment designed specifically to address the neuromusculoskeletal system. Although it is non-surgical and noninvasive, chiropractic care is a powerful intervention for the body. Working directly on three different systems—the nervous system, the muscular system, and the skeletal system—chiropractic helps to rebalance any dysfunction caused by injury, disease, or poor posture.

A chiropractic care plan usually consists of a detailed examination, a series of x-rays to determine what areas of the spine and joints are misaligned, review of any relevant medical history, and a description about the condition currently occurring.

Chiropractic care is most effective on a treatment plan. Regular chiropractic treatment maximizes the positive effects of the therapeutic intervention and allows the body to make the most of every session. Your expert chiropractor may also send you home with some exercises and tools to practice at home, which further help to boost the effectiveness of your treatment plan.

How can chiropractic care help?

Chiropractic care is considered one of the most effective forms of treatment for all kinds of pain (neck pain, back pain, muscular pain, nerve pain, etc.), as well as for realigning the spinal structure, increasing flexibility and mobility, and boosting overall wellness.

If you’re looking for a back pain chiropractor in Eagle, Idaho, or simply want more information on high quality chiropractic care in Eagle, use our directory to find a chiropractor near you who is dedicated to providing the highest standard of care available.

During your first visit with your expert chiropractor, ensure that you communicate any conditions you are currently experiencing or have experienced. Chiropractors are uniquely equipped to treat skeletal, muscular, and nerve related conditions, all of which affect the other body systems. With chiropractic care, you can expect a powerful intervention that supports your ultimate well-being, overall health and vitality, and comfort in your body. Find a chiropractor now who can help you reach your wellness goals!

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CBP Seminars, Inc.
1160 Taylor Street Suite 100
Meridian, ID 83642

Phone: 208-939-0301
Fax: 208-209-6009
Email: [email protected]




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