Exploring Spinal Mobilization Techniques and Their Place in Chiropractic Treatment
Spinal adjustments are the cornerstone of chiropractic. They’re used to help maintain the spine’s health and integrity, while alleviating peripheral problems such as restricted nerve pathways.
But adjustments aren’t as simple as pushing on the right area of the spine or exerting a specific modicum of force. Often, the spine needs to be properly mobilized before it can fully accept the adjustments being administered. To this end, a chiropractor may rely on a number of spinal mobilization techniques to preface adjustments.
Ideal Spine believes in the power of mobilization as a pretense to adjustments. By ensuring the spine is properly relaxed and accepting of adjustments, practitioners are able to deliver a better standard of relief to patients in need.
The goal of mobilization
Mobilization is useful for alleviating stress and tension in the spine that may otherwise make it difficult for adjustments to be effective. Mobilization isn’t the act of adjustment itself: it’s the technique used to ready the spine for adjustments. Mobilization can reduce stress, alleviate tension, and condition the spine.
Mobilization methodologies
There are numerous mobilization methodologies available to chiropractors. Each can be leveraged in a different way to affect the spine, depending on where ensuing adjustments will take place. What’s effective for the cervical spine may not be as effective in the lumbar region, and so on. Some of the most commonly-applied mobilization techniques include:
- Release Work: This technique requires the chiropractor to use their fingertips to pull misaligned vertebrae apart, so they can natural resettle in proper alignment.
- Activator Method: Using a spring-loaded stimulation device, a chiropractor will target areas for release. The rapid activation of the stimulation device releases tension in the spine, allowing the vertebrae to be manipulated back into proper alignment through manual palpitation.
- Toggle Drop: This method is used in tandem with a drop table. Using downward pressure, the chiropractor makes a swift adjustment as the drop table is triggered, allowing for a deeper correction to be made. Specific areas of the table can be toggled to ensure mobilization at precise angles and with different degrees of force.
- Cox Flexion-Distraction: Broad strokes are applied to areas of the spine in order to stretch the distance between vertebrae. As vertebrae are separated, they’re able to be gently manipulated via the strokes and repositioned into proper alignment.
- Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT): This technique makes use of gravity to mobilize vertebrae. Blocks are placed under the pelvis, allowing the spine to assume an exaggerated version of its natural curvature. This, in conjunction with a small amount of force, can mobilize the pelvis and lumbar vertebrae.
The above techniques represent only some of the most common applications. Chiropractors can also leverage massage, myofascial release, the Receptor-Tonus Technique, and myriad other techniques to entice the spine into accepting adjustments at a more effective degree.
Better adjustments through mobilization
In thorough mobilization of the spine, it’s possible for chiropractors to better prepare patients for the adjustments they’re about to receive. Moreover, it may help these adjustments to take shape with less resistance and remain aligned once they’re positioned.
Ideal Spine factors mobilization techniques into the Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) adjustment plans tailored around patients. In determining the right method of mobilization, in tandem with the proper adjustment approach, we believe it’s possible to provide patients with the highest standard of chiropractic care.
Chiropractic BioPhysics® corrective care trained Chiropractors are located throughout the United States and in several international locations. CBP providers have helped thousands of people throughout the world realign their spine back to health, and eliminate a source of chronic back pain, chronic neck pain, chronic headaches and migraines, fibromyalgia, and a wide range of other health conditions. If you are serious about your health and the health of your loved ones, contact a CBP trained provider today to see if you qualify for care. The exam and consultation are often FREE. See for providers in your area.
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