Corrective Chiropractic: Your Spine and Sciatica
Corrective Chiropractic care goes beyond structural support and spinal realignment.
The spine is the highway of open nerve communication. When there is nerve interference, due to postural abuse or otherwise, it can cut off the lines of dialogue between important nerve endings and proper pain-free movement. Sciatica is a common example of subluxation, nerve impact and unfortunate pain.
The sciatic nerve is the largest and longest nerve in the body, running from the spinal column (near the pelvis) completely down both legs. Each sciatic nerve is composed of smaller branches of nerves that run all the way down to the feet. When a patient experiences sciatica, pain can radiate throughout the leg – originating near the pelvis deep in the gluteus muscle. This pain commonly occurs when the nerve is inflamed, compressed or irritated. A numbness or chronic weakness can also occur in the lower extremities – causing unbearable discomfort for days or even weeks.
Sciatica is a debilitating condition that can be treated through Chiropractic BioPhysics. It is said that pelvis misalignment or a misaligned lower spine is the cause. In some circumstances, a slipped or even herniated disc can cause sciatic nerve pain. Structural misalignment, when treated with corrective chiropractic care, can alleviate sciatica and resume proper nerve flow to the lower extremities.
Chiropractors specializing in Chiropractic BioPhysics addresses the source of the nerve blockage by realigning the spine back to its normal curvature, and taking unnecessary pressure off of the nerves. This results in eliminating pain and restoring normal nerve flow to the rest of your body.
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