Corrective Chiropractic: Will Masking Your Pain Improve Your Health?
For most people, waking up tired from a long night’s sleep or experiencing frequent headaches is becoming a normal part of life. Even more dangerous, those who suffer with these ailments have learned to live with the problems or mask the symptoms by drinking heavily caffeinated beverages, pop a couple of pain killers after lunch, or eliminate activities that they once enjoyed.
Consciously or subconsciously, that’s their way of dealing with it; but are they addressing the source of their problems? Absolutely not.
The human nervous system is responsible for carrying vital nerve energy from the brain to the rest of our bodies. If we cut our finger while chopping carrots, the pain receptors in our fingers will send a pain signal to the brain, which will then tell you to address the injury. At which point, you will wash the wound, get stitches, and keep it out of harm’s way until it has fully healed.
What if there is dysfunction in our internal organs – where there are a minimal number of pain receptors or no pain receptors at all? Aside from some vague symptoms, how will one know that their vital organs are in desperate need of attention until it is too late – especially when most choose to mask their symptoms?
The nervous system is the most important system in our bodies, because it is responsible for the function of all of our limbs and organs. It tells the heart to beat slower or faster depending on its needs, maintains breathing when you are awake or asleep, sends vital information to your liver, kidneys, stomach, and intestines to do their job properly, and so on.
So wouldn’t it make sense to keep your nervous system healthy, by minimizing interference with it to ensure all your organs are functioning at 100%?
Poor posture – whether a result of a car accident, workplace injury, bad sitting habits at work, or even a tackle on football field – will misalign your spine. This misalignment will put unnecessary and dangerous pressure on the same nerves that control your bodily functions, leading to organ dysfunction and eventually disease.
Chiropractors specializing in in Chiropractic BioPhysics have helped millions eliminate not only back pain, neck pain, and headaches, but more importantly restored healthy nerve flow to the rest of the body. This results in healthy and vibrant patients, who experience renewed energy, elimination of pain, and a strong sense of wellness only achieved through proper nerve flow.
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