Better Health2021-09-29T04:52:11-07:00
CBP Patient

Better Health

A Natural and Lasting Solution to Pain Relief and Disease Through Chiropractic BioPhysics

As someone suffering from back pain, you’re probably looking for the most effective solution that provides lasting relief without the harmful side-effects of medication, or the pain and stress of surgery. Well, that’s precisely what Chiropractic BioPhsyics is. CBP© is the most advanced, researched and results-oriented chiropractic technique anywhere, helping patients of all ages regain their health through correcting the spine.

Though a thorough initial exam and x-rays, a CBP© trained chiropractor can quickly pinpoint a patient’s spinal misalignments and areas of concern. He or she can then address and correct such misalignments and postural deformities through a variety of treatment plans which may include adjustments, traction, and exercises.

By correcting the posture and eliminating misalignments, nerve energy interferences are removed and subsequently the patient will be relieved of pain, as well as benefit from better organ function, better health and improved mobility. As the nervous system controls every function of the body, it is not uncommon for children and adults undergoing CBP© treatment for back pain to experience permanent relief from allergies and asthma, or having bouts with acid reflux or GERD clear up as a result of better nerve flow to the critical organs.

So if you are concerned about your family’s wellbeing and longevity, perhaps a more natural, lasting and effective course of action such as Chiropractic BioPhysics should be considered. There are no side-effects or risks, but the results can change lives for the better for all members of your family — from infants to seniors.

Make sure to search though our CBP© Doctor’s Directory to find a CBP© trained chiropractor in your area.


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Posture Screen


CBP Seminars, Inc.
1160 Taylor Street Suite 100
Meridian, ID 83642

Phone: 208-939-0301
Fax: 208-209-6009
Email: [email protected]




Tired of dealing with pain and discomfort? Looking for a CBP chiropractor in your area? Visit our Doctors Directory to get started.


Are you a CBP chiropractor looking to attend one of our seminars? Please check out our CBP Seminars page to book the next event.
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