
When to See a Chiropractor for Upper Back Pain Treatment

When to See a Chiropractor for Upper Back Pain Treatment

Although less common than lower back and neck pain, upper back pain is a typical health complaint that affects up to 20% of the U.S. population (particularly women). It can occur for a variety of reasons. There are great treatment options out there for getting both quick and long term pain relief. One of the top choices is chiropractic care, which we will discuss today.

Why Does the Upper Back Get Sore?

There is a lot going on in the thoracic spine, also known as the upper to mid-back. This area is crucial for a variety of functions related to neural tissue health, organ protection, optimal arm function, breathing mechanics, trunk support, and much more. This means there are also a lot of potential issues and imbalances that can pop up and leave you feeling sore. A chiropractor understands the delicate balance and functions that the thoracic spine provides and can help reduce local strain and pain symptoms effectively.

The top underlying reasons for experiencing upper back pain include the following:

  • A direct blow or high impact injury from a fall, sport, or car accident
  • Faulty daily postures that put the spine in chronic misalignment and lead to unnecessary strain
  • Too much repetition that leads to overuse with activities like bending, reaching, lifting, twisting, etc.
  • Poor core or shoulder mechanics leading to muscle imbalance and poor movement patterns in the thoracic spine itself

Types of Upper Back Pain

The issues we just reviewed above can lead to pain caused by a variety of problems. These might include myofascial pain, spine degeneration, joint dysfunction, nerve dysfunction, or other general misalignments that wreak havoc on the spine. Depending on what specific tissues are affected, pain can occur with breathing or arm use and be sharp or dull. With all the possibilities, it is best to have a healthcare professional that can help you get to the bottom of your pain and get the recovery results you are seeking.

Is It Time to See the Chiropractor?

The holistic approach of a chiropractor, particularly one certified in evidence based Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP), can help you get on track with your recovery quickly. This means you can potentially get the relief you are looking for without resorting to depending on pesky medications or injections that only provide short term relief. If you are seeking long term benefits without the side effects, chiropractic care is definitely worth trying, particularly when you are experiencing any of the following:

  • Symptoms that keep coming back despite use of medication (so common!)
  • Home remedies aren’t giving you adequate relief
  • Preventing the onset of symptoms if you are at risk of developing upper back pain
  • Recently experiencing trauma to the upper back, neck, or shoulders
  • Chronic pain
  • Any symptoms that are leaving you feeling you “off”

What Can a Chiropractor Offer for Upper Back Pain Relief?

Ultimately, what treatment options are right for you will depend on your symptoms, underlying dysfunctions, preferences, and more. Thus, you can expect a tailored program that helps you feel your best. Recommendations for treatment often include one or more of the following:

  • Massage therapy
  • Spine adjustments to improve alignment and nerve integrity
  • Posture training to boost spine alignment
  • Exercise training to restore muscular balance
  • Non-invasive pain relieving modalities
  • General education to lead a healthier life

Get the Relief You Are Seeking

When it comes to upper back pain, seeking care as soon as possible is always best. Yet, anytime is better than never to start getting support in the road to recovery. Find a local CBP care provider for the best possible results. Simply call their local office today and see what they can do by booking an initial consultation.

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CBP Seminars, Inc.
1160 Taylor Street Suite 100
Meridian, ID 83642

Phone: 208-939-0301
Fax: 208-209-6009
Email: [email protected]




Tired of dealing with pain and discomfort? Looking for a CBP chiropractor in your area? Visit our Doctors Directory to get started.


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CBP Seminars, Inc.
1160 Taylor Street Suite 100
Meridian, ID 83642

Phone: 208-939-0301
Fax: 208-209-6009
Email: [email protected]




Tired of dealing with pain and discomfort? Looking for a CBP chiropractor in your area? Visit our Doctors Directory to get started.


Are you a CBP chiropractor looking to attend one of our seminars? Please check out our CBP Seminars page to book the next event.
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