What is Nerve Energy?
The way our bodies function on a daily basis is largely affected by the health of our nervous system. The brain, spinal cord, and nerve roots essentially connect every part of the body into one big communication highway. This helps keep our daily activities (on both a cellular and full body level) optimized and meaningful. If you’ve ever had chiropractic treatment for spine alignment, you may have heard the phrase restoring “nerve energy” or “nerve flow” as a goal for boosting your overall health.
Today, we’ll dive into what exactly this phrase means and how it relates to your spine health and overall health.
How the Nervous System Works
As mentioned above, the nervous system helps all areas of the body communicate and coordinate with each other. Additionally, it helps regulate and control all major bodily functions. This includes basic cellular function and organ processes to higher level brain function related to learning, thinking, and memory. The nerves within the nervous system communicate with each other via chemical and electrical messages. Nerve cells primarily communicate through relatively quick electronic pathways and signaling.
What Happens if Nerve Energy is Compromised?
The signals that are passed along between the brain, spinal cord, nerves and rest of the body keep everything connected, coordinated, and well-tuned. The electrical energy required to keep these messages flowing uninhibited is made possible with good neural integrity. Things that can affect neural integrity include chronic inflammation, injury, poor mental health, and spine misalignment.
When the delicate communication highway in the nervous system is compromised, it can quickly turn into a game of telephone (the game where one person says “I want to go for a walk” and it somehow turns into “let’s go out for Chinese food tonight” five people later). With poor nerve energy, messages become delayed, crossed, and totally misinterpreted. Just like a harmless game of telephone can turn into total confusion, the body can fall into a state of total disarray and dysfunction. Of course, it is always better to keep the lines of communication as clear and uninhibited as possible. This allows everything to function with ease as all of our systems work in coordination with each other.
How Spine Alignment Affects Nerve Energy
Spine misalignment is a common underlying issue in the body that can often be quickly and easily addressed with professional help from a chiropractor. Common causes of spine misalignment include poor posture, a sedentary lifestyle, poor movement mechanics, injury, and much more. With the guidance of a chiropractor, they can help pinpoint these often subtle changes and address them holistically to restore your nerve energy and optimize your health.
Finding a CBP Provider to Restore or Maximize Nerve Energy
The top experts in addressing spine misalignment are chiropractors certified in Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP). This research-based systematic approach to spine care is designed to yield the best results holistically and non-invasively. See if a CBP provider is available in your region and get in touch with them to see what they can offer you for your health goals.
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1160 Taylor Street Suite 100
Meridian, ID 83642
Phone: 208-939-0301
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CBP Seminars, Inc.
1160 Taylor Street Suite 100
Meridian, ID 83642
Phone: 208-939-0301
Fax: 208-209-6009
Email: [email protected]