Improving Your Back Posture With Chiropractic BioPhysics®
Mirror Image® Methods Improves Chronic Low Back Pain by 73%
In one of the longest follow up surveys to date, Kaaria et al[4] reported on the initial, 5, 10, and 28 year low back pain prevalence and incidence in a population of Finish metal workers. Initially, 54% of the cohort reported low back pain (LBP) and 25% reported radiation into the lower extremity (LEP). In the group with LBP, 75%, 73%, and 88% reported pain at 5, 10, and 28 year follow-up respectively. In the group with LEP, 66%, 65%, and 69% reported pain at 5, 10, and 28 year follow-up respectively. Thus, LBP and LEP are not self-limiting conditions that remit on their own over time; the prognosis (outcomes of treatment) for chronic LBP is less than favorable.
Recently, a breakthrough non-randomized trial looking at a new treatment for chronic low back pain sufferers was performed and published by researchers from Chiropractic BioPhysics Technique or CBP Nonprofit. [1]
The study was performed on subjects with chronic low back pain and abnormal lateral trunk shift posture. Treatment methods including Chiropractic BioPhysics® or CBP® Technique Mirror Image® posture exercises, posture adjustments, and posture traction. In the treated group, the mirror image interventions (exercise, adjustments, traction) were applied 3x per week for 12 weeks and resulted in a 73% improvement in chronic low back pain intensity and 50% improvement in the abnormal trunk translation posture and frontal view x-ray lumbar spine displacements. [1] See figure.
The treatment group was compared to a control group who were told to ‘self-manage’ their chronic LBP as they had prior to the start of the study. The outcomes of the control group were strongly in contrast to the treatment group where: 1) control subjects chronic back pain remained unchanged over the course of the study, 2) the control subjects trunk translation posture was found to statistically worsen over the course of the study. [1]
Thus, mirror image® methods (lateral translation exercise and traction) were found to produce statistically significant and clinically significant reductions in pain and trunk translation posture, a finding not observed in the control group. In fact, the control group’s lateral thoracic translations were slightly worse at follow-up, possibly indicating progression of the disorder. [1]
How Can You Get Help for Chronic Low Back Pain?
Chiropractic BioPhysics® corrective care trained Chiropractors are located throughout the United States and in several international locations. CBP providers have helped thousands of people throughout the world realign their spine back to health, and eliminate a source of chronic back pain, chronic neck pain, chronic headaches and migraines, fibromyalgia, and a wide range of other health conditions. If you are serious about your health and the health of your loved ones, contact a CBP trained provider today to see if you qualify for care. The exam and consultation are often FREE. See for providers in your area.
Reference Links
- Harrison DE, Cailliet R, Betz JW, Harrison DD, Haas JW, Janik TJ, Holland B. Harrison Mirror Image Methods for Correcting Trunk List: A Non-randomized Clinical Control Trial. Euro Spine J 2005; 14(2):155-162. (Link)
- Croft PR, Macfarlane GJ, Papag eorgiou AC, Thomas E, Silman AJ. Outcome of low back pain in general practice: a prospective study. BMJ 1998; 316:1356–9.
- Enthoven P, Ska rgren, Oberg B. Clincial course in patients seeking primary care for back or neck pain: A prospective 5-year follow-up of outcome and helath care consumption with subgroup analysis. Spine 2004; 29:2458-2465.
- Kaaria S, Luukkonen R, Riihimaki H, Kirjonen J, Leino-Arjas P. Persistence of low back pain reporting among a cohort of employees in a metal corporation: A study with 5-,10-, and 28-year follow-ups. Pain 2006; 120:131-137.
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