Contributors to Degenerative Disc Disease and How Chiropractic Keeps them in Check
Degenerative spinal conditions require consistent oversight to manage. Because ailments like disc disease are prone to worsening naturally, doing nothing to combat them leaves the door open for a lower quality of life and any peripheral conditions that may develop as the result of degeneration. It takes active effort to keep catalysts at bay.
Knowing how to stand up against the worsening effects of degenerative disc disease starts with understanding what’s happening to your spine. At its core, this means being able to pinpoint the contributors to the disease and how they’re acting on your spine.
It’s the duty of Ideal Spine chiropractors to help patients not only manage their chronic conditions, but to understand them as well. For those with degenerative disc disease, it’s a crucial part of administering quality care and relief.
What’s weighing on your spine?
Age is the chief precursor to degenerative disc disease. And while it’s easy to say that your body is just “getting old,” there’s more to it than wear and tear. Disc disease becomes a concern when a specific set of contributors are present.
The first prerequisite for degenerative disc disease is a lack of synovial fluid in discs. Fluid can leak over time as the result of an unchecked rupture or herniation, but more often disappears due to the consistent wear of discs. As fluid levels in discs become low, friction becomes more of a problem, setting the stage for degeneration.
The second catalyst for degenerative disc disease follows a loss of synovial fluid, emerging as microscopic tears in the outermost layer of the disc. Not only does this enable even more fluid loss, the weakening of the disc itself can culminate in a rupture or tear.
In tandem, these contributors make up degenerative disc disease. More importantly, however, they can be identified as ways of preventing the larger condition or mitigating it.
Keeping catalysts to a minimum
Based on the contributors to degenerative disc disease, the chief goal in most cases is to alleviate any excess pressure on the spine that may expedite the weakening of discs. Here, chiropractic is key.
Ensuring the spine maintains normal curvature will reduce pressure points where discs may be put under duress. Chiropractic adjustments can also be crucial in gently alleviating compression where it already exists, easing the burden of discs. Combined with strengthening and range of motion exercises to improve mobility, it’s possible to alleviate the chief factors that contribute to the key catalysts of degenerative disc disease.
More than active adjustment, chiropractors can also advise in management of external factors that may trigger degenerative disc disease. Incorporating more anti-inflammatory foods into your diet, engaging in low impact exercises, practicing good posture and ergonomics, and getting massages may all be part of the Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) management plan laid out by a chiropractor.
Treat the problems causing your problems
Degenerative disc disease is an ongoing, chronic condition that will only get worse. Treating it is a first priority for most people, and that means understanding what’s driving it. Working with a chiropractor to treat the conditions behind this larger one can result in positive ripples that improve a person’s overall quality of life.
When you work with an Ideal Spine chiropractor, the focus is always on the root cause. While degenerative disc disease might be the root cause of your daily discomfort, we take it a step further to identify ways to improve your overall quality of life.
Chiropractic BioPhysics® corrective care trained Chiropractors are located throughout the United States and in several international locations. CBP providers have helped thousands of people throughout the world realign their spine back to health, and eliminate a source of chronic back pain, chronic neck pain, chronic headaches and migraines, fibromyalgia, and a wide range of other health conditions. If you are serious about your health and the health of your loved ones, contact a CBP trained provider today to see if you qualify for care. The exam and consultation are often FREE. See for providers in your area.
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